Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feels Like the First Time

I'm going to my very first writer's conference next weekend and am starting to spaz out a little. I'm trying to figure out what to wear, what to bring, how much of every thing I should bring, will there be food, will there be bathrooms, will the other kids like me, should I bring my paper bag so I stop hyperventilating...

So far I've got my briefcase thingie, my laptop, some business cards and the semi-organization of the novel/biography I've been working on. (I'm doing the conference's novel writing intensive, so I figured that'd be good.) Other than that I'm clueless and worried I'll end up wearing a prom dress when jeans are the norm, or visa versa, and will have everything I need but a pen. Perhaps I should take my own advice and breathe a little.

If you've been to a writers conference, do you have any little tips that aren't obvious and would be hella helpful? (Like all beauty contestants know to put vaseline on their teeth. Is that helpful at writer's conferences?)

I'm super excited to go. My stomach has the butterfly version of jazz hands because I'm so anxious to get there, get connected and get writing.


Ernessa T. Carter said...

Hahaha! Are you going to the same one as Marilyn? If so, just wear jeans and a nice top or a casual dress if you prefer. Be prepared to drink a lot and meet a lot of other great people.

I've never done the novel-writing intensive, just gotten the feedback. The mingling is the big thing and knowing whose out there. Also, I would suggest any workshops on publicity, since that's something you should actually be working on WAY BEFORE you start shopping your novel.

Hope this helps!

Gudrun said...

I'm going to a conference myself in March and I'm feeling exactly the same way. Except it's more of a book fair/conference with one day of classes and then wandering around in something the size of Comicon but with children's books. The worst part for me is imagining chatting people up about my project. Ack!