Monday, March 16, 2009

Here I am now, entertain me.

Hello over by you,

I have sour belly from riding about in the car all day today. Urp.

I just wanted to alert you to my new blog (Seriously, how many blogs should one person have?? )
Apparently, I'm very fascinated by me.

Don't you judge me, just check out my blog about learning things from Ling Ling. It's entertaining to Seen, and honestly, that's all that really matters.

Ole Narcissus


Joseph said...

Thank you. I've added Ling Ling's blog to My Blog List. Joseph from Troy Bear. Yeow!

Seen Robinson said...

This is the best present ever. A blog just for me. To everyone else out there, enjoy, but give me 10% of the royalties. So I can keep feeding Ling Ling. (She requires an owner toll, that she usually takes out of my toes every morning).