Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm busy being delicious

If you've spent any time with me what-so-ever, you are aware that I am both attracted to and repelled by sugar. My mother was an amazing baker of cookies, pies, cakes and all things that mix flour, sugar and fat. (She also has a huge garden with lots of fresh produce, but I like sugar better.) So baked goods represent family and love and comfort. BUTT sugar also makes me cranky, zitty and tubby.

Now on Fierce and Nerdy - Read all about the Sugar Clique at my office and my struggle for power of the monkey on my back that is made entirely of marzipan.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm busy being delicious


Anonymous said...

okay, why is that Judge Fudge cartoon like the best thing ever. I betcha ten dollars that it ends up on FaN before the end of the week.

NWO said...

That picture is so delicious that I want to lick the screen!

Stinky Junior said...

Judge Fudge needs the light shone on him. So he can get busy being delicious.